the. Story
Find out how it all got started and why we do what we do!

Our Story
Where It All Began
Now at that moment in our life I was managing our house on a grocery budget of $75 a week for 6 people. That also had to include items like toilet paper, soap, and diapers. I honestly can’t tell you how we ever made that work, but it did. After the friend made it thru her crisis week relatively unscathed, we talked over cheap boxed wine about what fun it had been to be a little pseudo family. It felt good to lean on each other, to know we’d see each other every day….get a hug and a moment of respite in each other’s company. We made a joke that it was too bad every week wasn’t terrible enough to activate the supper train, as we named it. But then it occurred to us….why wait for a crisis? Hadn’t the week served a bigger purpose than just providing food? That week had been messy all around in both our houses. It wasn’t about the food so much as we both NEEDED to know we weren’t alone. “Want to do it again next week?” She’d asked,this time giving me her grocery money. That week with double the money I usually had, I was able to make both our families a months worth of meals and had a few extra left over. It was amazing! The rest of the month felt like a dream and aside from a few fresh purchases like milk and diapers, I didn’t have to shop. My grocery budget went into an envelope instead…waiting for Christmas.

It continued like this for quite sometime. The freezer was filling with what we called the “oh shit stock” meals just waiting for the day one of us didn’t have grocery money again. That day never came. Working together, we always had enough.
So what do we do with all this food?! We give it away! We personally knew of multiple people in the same boat, trying to make life work with almost nothing. New moms bringing home new life, people just home from the hospital after surgery, families where a job had been lost, people who’ve had a death in the family and sometimes just a friend who really needed to KNOW they weren’t alone…that someone sees them and cares. This practice became normal operating procedure and I started to have fun seeing how many meals I could get each week from the same budget. How many homes could we help? In that thought is where the the. Supper Club was conceived.
Up until this year that’s how it’s been. We’ve added a few new friends here and there but the concept has stayed the same. Today, one shopping trip feeds 6 families for a month and stocks the deep freeze for another month of giving. No one is hungry when we all work together.
What People are Saying

“I absolutely love Martha's cooking!”
"She helps with our dinners or breakfast when we are too busy to handle it ourselves! If you are lucky enough to become her friend you can even break bread and share wine with her personally."
Amanda O. -Spokane

“Delicious chili!”
"Delivered exactly when expected. Thanks so much Martha for feeding my family when I needed a break. "
Alesha H. - Spokane

“ feels like coming home!”
"Martha is a genius! everyone here is a delight; it feels like coming home. The plants, the merch, the food... its all just right! Delicious and nutritious food at a good price with easy instructions. try it, you won't regret it!"
Alicia M. - Spokane

"Martha rescued our family!"
"Martha rescued our family from fast food when my wife was sick and couldn’t cook. The meals were so good! Highly recommend."
Sam B. - Spokane